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Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum

Voting Theory

The Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum honors Earhart's life and aviation legacy, educating visitors on the history, science, and technology surrounding her extraordinary accomplishments. A portion of the museum is dedicated to explaining all the potential theories surrounding her disappearance. This digital interactive provides summaries of each major theory and allows visitors to vote for which theory they believe. 

Client / 

Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum


Role / 

UI Design

Agency / 


Year / 


09_Above The Clouds.png

The mezzanine area in the museum, also referred to as "Above The Clouds", houses a section dedicated to Earhart's disappearance.


The digital element of this interactive is unique in that it allows users to interact with each other by casting a vote for the theory they believe in. 

Look and Feel

The illustration style used for the graphics in this interaction were integrated throughout the entire museum.

The visuals combine the texture and shapes associated with 1920's design style with modern, playful colors and illustrations.

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