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Flint Hills Discovery Center

Mural Viewer

The Mural Viewer Interactive is a part of the Prairie Playscape addition to the Flint Hills Discovery Center. It is designed to encourage young visitors to explore the native ecosystem and the wildlife that thrives in the area.  

Client / 

Flint Hills Discovery Center


Role / 

UI/UX Design


Agency / 



Year / 


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The screen itself sits on the second story of an atrium next to a pair of binoculars that look out at a large mural of the Flint Hills ecosystem.


Users can look through the binoculars to discover wildlife, and then learn more about their discoveries through the touch interactive.



The Mural Viewer Kiosk must educate and entertain young learners about the diverse Flint Hills ecosystem. 


The kiosk is designed to make visitors feel included in the research and immersed in the discovery process. 

Look and Feel

The attract loop visuals are heavily influenced by an artists mural located just across from the interactive. The imagery purposefully mimics the style of the mural to connect the animals seen through the binoculars to the animals on screen. 


A "field notes" style visual approach was taken to recreate the process of collecting findings and observations out in the Flint Hills and makes users feel as though they are the ones doing the research.

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